POWEReasy Blog

Critical Overvoltage Fault Corrective Plan

Written by Ganesh Karbele | Jun 6, 2020 10:06:07 AM

Why did POWEReasy trip?

The site observed an extremely high voltage event. IEEE1159 standard recommends fast protection in case of voltages that are higher than 276V. These overvoltage conditions can damage expensive equipment. In some cases overvolatge events can lead to high currents that may cause fires. POWEReasy has disconnected the supply to prevent both of these unwanted outcomes.


What could be the root cause of the overvoltage fault?

Critical overvoltage faults are most often caused due to poor power quality from the electricity supplier. An audit report from POWEReasy can help analyze any dependency on external factors. 


Can you use electricity under some precautions? What are these?

It is not recommended to use electricity till it is in acceptable range.