POWEReasy Blog

Earth Leakage Warnings Corrective Plan

Written by Ganesh Karbele | Jun 11, 2020 11:18:50 AM

Why is POWEReasy showing a warning?

Your site has observed a high earth leakage current event. IS12640 that 30mA is unsafe for operation. Faulty devices and exposed wires lead to earth leakage currents. By giving you an early indication for the earth leakage currents POWEReasy is providing an opportunity to identify and fix the electrical fault without having to take a shutdown during critical working hours.


When do you need to fix this and why?

Earth leakage currents can often lead to an electrocution event. It is dangerous to life and property. If the fault is not corrected POWEReasy will trip if the conditions has deteriorated further and earth leakage currents increase. First to save life and property and then avoid disconnection of supply at critical operating times it is advised that this issue be resolved at the first possible shut down within a 24 hour timeline.