Safety in the lifecycle of an electricity consumer
Safety is the most basic requirement to begin using electricity. It is where the lifecycle of an electricity consumers begins. One assumes that if one follows all stipulated norms and if these are verified by an certified inspector, it should be safe to operate electricity. The ground reality is that safety norms are followed on a best effort basis. Even with the best of teams human errors are possible and deviations from standards are often missed out as most issues are difficult to identify by visual inspection alone.
To make matters worse, during the operation safety is ensured by the century old techniques of performing manual audits and installing electromechanical protection devices. It should be no surprise that safety issues from electricity are common. 86% of building fires have an electrical origin and India alone sees 69 deaths a day from electrical faults. Anybody desirous of reducing the risks involved in operating electricity is tasked to take an proactive approach to understanding and identifying electrical faults.
Improving safety with automation
At its foundation the smart electricity methodology ensures the highest level of electrical safety even in the absence of an qualified individual at site. This data driven approach relies on mapping electrical signatures to key electrical risks. Hence it moves past the typical visual checks, manual audit and electromechanical protection to an automated means of ensuring comprehensive electrical safety. It improves the risk coverage from 3 risks to all 12 critical electrical risks. More importantly this methodology enables:
Realtime Audits with POWEReasy
Learn more about real time audits using POWEReasy. Real time audits offer the means to evaluate all known critical fire & electrocution risks and then determine an acceptable corrective action plan specific to each one of these events. It provides the safest possible work environment without disturbing operational quality.