POWEReasy Blog

Shortcircuit / Overload Fault Corrective Plan

Written by Ganesh Karbele | Jun 10, 2020 8:44:21 AM

Why did POWEReasy trip?

The site has observed an short circuit event. Short circuits are the highest category of electrical risk that can lead to fires. A short circuit is experienced if two exposed conductors touch. The main MCB of POWEReasy has tripped to protect from this short circuit to lead to fire.  MCBs will also trip if there is high temperature sensed at the contacts of the MCB. The temperature at the MCBs rise either due to  overheated wires in the facility. The main  MCB to POWEReasy would have tripped to prevent either of these two issues. 


What could be the root cause of the arcing fault?

A short circuit is the condition when two conductors touch leading to uncontrolled current flow. This uncontrolled current flow leads to overheating and fires. Most MCBs have instantaneous tripping for short circuits. These MCBs also trip due to increased temperatures caused by higher currents and overheating wires. POWEReasy helps you dintinguish between an short circuit and overload conditions. An audit report from POWEReasy can help analyze any dependency on specific load and their electrical circuit paths that could be suffering from short circuit events. 


Can you use electricity under some precautions? What are these?

Short circuit is a critical fire risk. It is advised that not to use electricity till the faulty circuit is identified and issue is isolated.